Tuesday, July 14, 2009

bull sh*t... bull sh*t... bull sh*t....

Well, I have been on and off composing a new entry for the past few days now. But the problem is, once I am about to place an entry, all I can think about is bull sh*t stuff. Now, I want my entries to have content... and not just any content... I want STRONG content. But sometimes (or most times on my case) all I can think about is bull sh*t. Last Sunday I was in church, I found myself not listening to the sermon and just thinking about BS (let's just use BS because looking for the "*" character every time I type bull sh*t is disrupting my momentum). Yesterday I was at work and went online to find some stock photos for an ad I was doing, I found myself on Facebook doing nothing but looking around for some new BS and trying to create my own BS. Last night, I ate dinner early so I could go out for a run in the park, but then I found myself BS-ing in front of the TV and the next thing I know, it was 11 o-clock. Can you believe that BS-ing actually consumes my time? So when you think of it, how can I write something with strong content when my mind is full of BS? Alas, dear child (I know "alas, dear child" does not make sense I just always wanted to write something that uses that) I found myself with a good topic with a strong content to write, so I decided to write about bull sh*t. Hey, with this bull sh*t entry, I was able to make an entry, write something creative, use my mind by thinking bull sh*t, practiced my skills in language and skills in typing bull sh*t, got my mind off bull sh*t work and got some much needed break from making ads and setting up type, and most importantly, I developed my BS-ing skills. Having great BS-ing skill is essential. A lot of successful people have become great because of that. A lot of people made a fortune out of that. A lot of politicians have reached great heights because of that. A lot of sales people develop their skills everyday and sell things 100 times their value because of that. So you see, bull sh*t is a strong topic that has content. Be proud that you are reading about bull sh*t, because I feel proud writing about it. Or maybe, I shouldn't be....


chetzmosa said...

hahahaha well said bullsh*t!