Sunday, September 14, 2008


Ok... since my last entry was... well... gloomy... I would like to make this one.... well... "ungloomy". I have come to the realization, thanks to a special someone (and no tome of sarcasm there, I am really thankful) that I have been left behind. Left behind by time, technology, my own thoughts and actions. My mind runs at 120mph and I haven't had the time to update myself, my being and my productivity. I was told that I have many great ideas, and I do, but I never see them to completion. It's like I am already satisfied with just coming out of the idea, which, for obvious reasons, should not be the case. But hey, if it was that easy to do, then there wouldn't be any need for this dilemma wouldn't we? You see, the problem is, I seem not to follow my own advice. Maybe just like any body else? Why is it so hard for a person to follow their own advice? Isn't that the usual problem? You always know what to say to other people on the exact same situation that you might b going through yourself but you can't really take your own advice for it. Is it because the reality of the risk imposed is onto us and not to others? Is it because we know that if we fail we have no one else to blame but ourselves? Is it because it is hard to accept that your own advice was a failure? Or is it because we do not really know what life is all about?
I kinda think I just answered my own questions. Either way, I am going to slow down my mind and update myself, and maybe see my ideas come to completion.