Friday, August 29, 2008

okay.. what should we do today?

Oh Dayng!!!!
April... May... June... July... August... almost September....
Talk about a lag... ahahahahaha!!!!! Days literally became weeks that literally became months! Story of my life... but hey, now is better than never. And I am back and I am ticking... tick.. tick... tick.. boom!!!!
Doesn't make sense? Well, it's not supposed to. It just so happens that I was listening to that song right at that moment. I guess that's how my life has been lately, taking in what the right then moment gives me. Actually gets a little tiring... correction.. have gotten tiring. Hence, the blogging, something that breaks my normal (or abnormal) everyday unaccomplished-ness (i just made a word, another accomplishment). But it is true, lately I have been fluctuating with accomplished and non-accomplished days. Which has been better than most (meaning the months of unaccomplished-ness) there's the word again (it's catching on to me)!
Let's take today for example, I finally got my car ready for inspection (via taking my so called illegal reflective tint... toothbrushing the adhesive off the glass.. yes i used an old toothbrush... and covering my rear signal lights with a red grocery bag so they are not plain white) and then got my car to the inspection site to finally get my inspection sticker renewed (duh jeck! what else do you do at the inspection site) "duh, side thought... fail the inspection of course like what happened the first time that's why I had to do all those things i just said". But like i said, I finally got it renewed. 2 more graceful years for my dear sunshine (that is the name of my 11 year old car, by the way). And then..... I got an express lube job (oil change.. ehem) with a high-mileage synthetic oil and I thank my dear wifey for patiently waiting with me through both processes. Got home, took a shower and then headed off to Frenchtown, New Jersey (Home of the "two buttons" warehouse/store) with Len, my sister. my wife and my unstoppable nephew. Visit them at You really should, everything there is so touching. According to my sister, she learned about the place form this author of eat,pray,love. Honestly, I have never heard of the book but after seeing the store and hearing the stories now I want to read it too! Took some very interesting pictures at the store (reviving my artistic side). And then... we decided to go around the town before heading home. Not too far from the two buttons store was the amazing town central. It was very old english, full of character and nice people. Then we crossed the frenchtown bridge to Pennnnnnnnnnssylvania! With the Delaware river underneath, I felt so surreal even though it was just a bridge. I just never thought of going around doing things on my normal day off from work. Thanks to my sister, my day was.. well... delightfully different. (notice the eloquence?). Had an Ice cream at a cafe, took some pictures and then stopped by a farm market on the way home. Grabbed some Sweet Jersey Corn (which by the way are the best!!!!) took some more pictures with my fun-filled nephew and then finally headed home after he got scared of the rain (for some reason he is still afraid of the rain). On the way home, we saw my brother's van at the golf course, I thought maybe he was at the driving range which can be seen from the parking lot so i decided to drive by and maybe say hi and put my nephew's hope of seeing his dad way high that when we found out that he was actually at the course playing and cannot be seen from the parking lot, my nephew started crying uncontrollably (is that a word? that i would be ashamed of inventing) and inconsolably (another one).. Finally found a way to make him feel better when finally got home and he saw his mom. Went out again to buy dinner (popeyes.. sorry dad) had dinner with the family and spent some quality time with my wifey and went online to do some much needed research and then this! booyah!!!! one very accomplished day... so tomorrow.. i am going to start my day with my nephew's famous phrase... "Okay, What should we do today?"