Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I just thought of asking... What does it take to be successful? Is it determination? Intelligence? Hard-work? A degree? An opportunity? Knowing the right people? Being in the right place at the right time? Being able to sacrifice and push yourself? A combination of two, three, four or all of them? Maybe it is all of them...or maybe not. The guys who created facebook and myspace were 20 somethings when they started out and ended up being worth millions. I currently read a high end magazine were most of the staff were accomplished 20 somethings who are all probably headed for more success in their life. Len was teling me about a person she knew who was about my age, now a highly paid nurse but a lost-soul failed-grade-student back in high school. How For some it comes so easy almost natural,and for some.... it eludes them like the day eludes the night. What makes the difference? What does it take to be inspired and commited? I guess the questions will never end... and the answers are definitely hard to find. Or maybe I'm just speaking based on personal experience... I know I have yet to find my success formula. I know it is out there and I am looking for it... anxiously looking for it. I have my inspiration, and I have my determination. I am willing to make sacrifice and push myself to the limit. I am looking for the opportunity and I am networking to meet the right people. Pretty soon... It will come... success will come... not for me...but for my family.


chetzmosa said...

success is measured by your own standards :-)