Thursday, October 27, 2011

Funny Clip Art

As part of my job, I go through a bunch of clip arts for certain projects which I have to research off a number of resources. More often than not, a funny clip art would grab my attention and bring a smile to my face (although I am already always smiling). I know it’s something so simple and maybe even seem silly, but I consider this a highlight of my sometimes too-normal-it’s-actually-boring work day. Something that makes my workload lighter. So I thought, why not share it. Maybe I can bring a smile to some one else’s quite-bornigly-normal work day.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

would you look at that...

almost a year after the last entry, I just found out I can create new posts through my phone. This is something I am obviously very excited about other than the fact that I usually get a lot of typos when using my phone's keypad to compose text messages, emails and let alone blog entries. You see, I have the Nokia E71x. For those of you who are familiar with the phone, you would know what I mean; and for those of you who are familiar with my short and stubby fingers, you would definitely know what I mean. And mixing both together, is not the most perfect of combinations. I do like my nokia phone though, and it is not like I am dying to replace it, in fact, I have learned to live through our adversity and make this blog entry without a typo just yet. I just realized that the real problem is not the phone's small keypad or my short stubby The problem is me, my patience and my quest for perfection. True, I can always read back carefully and correct any errors I have made before publishing this entry, and I should...and I will....and I am. Now, if only I can do the same thing with my life...maybe He will let me read back and correct errors before I publish my next move....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

araw ng dilaw

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

do read....

There is no other way to describe it the way it is said in this entry by:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What's God's Priority?
17 July 2009 Friday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time
Exodus 11:10 - 12:14; Psalm 116; Matthew 12, 1-8

The readings today affirm one basic truth about God’s priority. Over and above any law, mercy stands at its highest. God has heard the prayers and tears of the Israelites in Egypt. And the first reading tells us about the hour of showing His mercy and love. It is the time of of haste; the time of salvation! In the Gospel today, Jesus reiterated that God desires mercy and not sacrifice. The Sabbath is a time of worship in which believers sacrifice animals as atonement for their sins or as peace offerings. Jesus tells the Pharisees that the Sabbath is best kept by practicing mercy and compassion, in imitation of God’s saving work of love.

I have a story: Banana Fritters

Nine-year-old Pepe decided one Sunday morning to make banana fritters for his parents. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the counter, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy rice flour canister, spilling it on the floor. He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the floor which by now had a few tracks left by his puppy.

Pepe was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very good for Nanay and Tatay, but it was getting very bad. He didn’t know what to do next, whether to put it all into the stove, (and he didn’t know how the stove worked)! Suddenly he saw his puppy licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away, knocking the eggs, bananas and oil to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, bananas and oil, getting his t-shirt dirty.

And just then he saw Tatay standing at the door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Pepe’s eyes. All he wanted to do was something good, but he’d made a terrible mess. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But his father just watched him. Then, walking through the mess, he picked up his crying son, hugged him and loved him, getting his own shirt dirty in the process.


This is how God deals with our human weaknesses and mistakes. We insult a friend or we can’t stand our officemates or our health goes bad or our relationships are on the rocks or our desire to pray is marred by too many distractions. We try to do everything right, but all the methods we do becomes a mess. Often, we stand before God in tears because we feel helpless and we believe we have tried everything. This is the time when God picks us up, loves us and forgives us, even though some of our mess gets all over Him. But just because we might mess up, we can’t stop trying to make ‘banana fritters’ for God or for others. Sooner it is in our trying that we will finally get it right. Often, we forget that the process of growing entails a lot of mistakes. If a father understands the process of growth, how much more will our Father in heaven do as much.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

it was my idea....

Once in a while.... I get the chance to think quietly and submerge myself in my own thoughts about anything I can think of. Usually, they are things that I want to do. Usually, things that I want to venture on... business ventures that is. I have always wanted to be my own boss, to have my own business. Once in a while, I come up with these ideas and I go through the whole process of doing research and planning out time frames, composing business plans and figuring out budgets. Once in a while, my ideas are, well too far to reach, and it goes on a stand still. Once in a while, my ideas are reasonable enough to be a reality. So, what would a normal person do who does not have much knowledge about something? You ask around. So, that I did. I asked around. I shared my ideas. Some were laughed at, some were discouraged, some were encouraged, and some... well... were taken as their own. And I can't really blame anybody but myself because I took so long developing my idea, looking for opportunities and pretty much, just waiting for the right time that never comes. And while I am waiting, you come across somebody you know and have spoken to doing the thing you have wanted and planned to do...and all you can think of is... "but it was my idea..." THAT SUCKS.... but then again, lesson learned. Take every minute as the right minute to start. Take the planning stage as the learning while doing stage. Take every opportunity like the only opportunity that will never happen again. And of course, don't give out all the details until you have put in a copyright form through. So.... to any body who wants to come up with a deflatable - aerodynamic - disposable - musically-inclined -plutonium-powered - eco friendly - peta-approved - water pumping - light weight - one of a kind - silver lined and goldplated - self cleaning - multi absorbent - warm and cold wash capable - preset timers installed - easy to use ISAW SKEWER MAKER.... this is all have to say to you... IT WAS MY IDEA!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PI... posting... imaging...

I always wanted to try and post an image here but I never had the chance nor the time (or should I say I didn't make time) to actually load an image in. So I decided I am going to load some of my jobs and make sort of an... online portfolio if you will. Why not? I have the option to do it, why not use Blogspot to its full potential!

So I am starting with a recently done banquet menu for Shahnawaz Palace. I do a lot of work for the Indian community in Central Jersey because my boss is Indian and she has a lot of Indian clients. It is actually an amazing experience in a sense that I am learning about another culture, but it is also kind of sad whenever I realize that I do not have or I am losing my own connection to my own culture. I know there are a lot of Pinoys in my area and I know there must be some sort of guild or associations formed and composed by Pinoys. I told my wife we should look around and expose ourselves to these communities. We should branch out and get to know some people. Make new friends and explore new opportunities. I particularly want to branch out since I am looking to do some freelance work as well and I want to do it for my own community.

Well, I already diverted from the whole reason of posting an image....

Ayan.... Nagawa ko na. I feel a little sense of accomplishment.

bull sh*t... bull sh*t... bull sh*t....

Well, I have been on and off composing a new entry for the past few days now. But the problem is, once I am about to place an entry, all I can think about is bull sh*t stuff. Now, I want my entries to have content... and not just any content... I want STRONG content. But sometimes (or most times on my case) all I can think about is bull sh*t. Last Sunday I was in church, I found myself not listening to the sermon and just thinking about BS (let's just use BS because looking for the "*" character every time I type bull sh*t is disrupting my momentum). Yesterday I was at work and went online to find some stock photos for an ad I was doing, I found myself on Facebook doing nothing but looking around for some new BS and trying to create my own BS. Last night, I ate dinner early so I could go out for a run in the park, but then I found myself BS-ing in front of the TV and the next thing I know, it was 11 o-clock. Can you believe that BS-ing actually consumes my time? So when you think of it, how can I write something with strong content when my mind is full of BS? Alas, dear child (I know "alas, dear child" does not make sense I just always wanted to write something that uses that) I found myself with a good topic with a strong content to write, so I decided to write about bull sh*t. Hey, with this bull sh*t entry, I was able to make an entry, write something creative, use my mind by thinking bull sh*t, practiced my skills in language and skills in typing bull sh*t, got my mind off bull sh*t work and got some much needed break from making ads and setting up type, and most importantly, I developed my BS-ing skills. Having great BS-ing skill is essential. A lot of successful people have become great because of that. A lot of people made a fortune out of that. A lot of politicians have reached great heights because of that. A lot of sales people develop their skills everyday and sell things 100 times their value because of that. So you see, bull sh*t is a strong topic that has content. Be proud that you are reading about bull sh*t, because I feel proud writing about it. Or maybe, I shouldn't be....