Sunday, June 27, 2010

would you look at that...

almost a year after the last entry, I just found out I can create new posts through my phone. This is something I am obviously very excited about other than the fact that I usually get a lot of typos when using my phone's keypad to compose text messages, emails and let alone blog entries. You see, I have the Nokia E71x. For those of you who are familiar with the phone, you would know what I mean; and for those of you who are familiar with my short and stubby fingers, you would definitely know what I mean. And mixing both together, is not the most perfect of combinations. I do like my nokia phone though, and it is not like I am dying to replace it, in fact, I have learned to live through our adversity and make this blog entry without a typo just yet. I just realized that the real problem is not the phone's small keypad or my short stubby The problem is me, my patience and my quest for perfection. True, I can always read back carefully and correct any errors I have made before publishing this entry, and I should...and I will....and I am. Now, if only I can do the same thing with my life...maybe He will let me read back and correct errors before I publish my next move....